Senior Product Designer

Software for Physiotherapists

A physiotherapy charting software created for a startup company called Touch. For this project I created the charting software, an entire customizable forms feature, a patient facing mobile app, and a product website.



Charting Software for Physiotherapists


Getting Started

A Calgary-based startup brought me in to help them design a brand new product that would improve charting for physiotherapists. I inherited the initial research, concept wireframes and preliminary branding from their first in-house designer, which helped me understand the users and get a head-start with designs for the remote development team.

I organized all of the content passed my way by creating a high level architecture diagram and laying out which features and elements were necessary for each page of the application. Of course the content changed as the project evolved but it helped to keep a visual of how it all fit together.


Phsyio App

My main source of information and professional experience was a physiotherapist and mother of my client, so the project meant a lot to the family! I would routinely go through the designs with her to make sure we were designing the closest experience to what a physio is already used to.

One finding from these sessions was that physios need to be able to make quick notes, as well as add treatments to a diagram of the body. A sticky action button now allows the physio to add what they need anytime.



Customizable forms

After interviewing more physiotherapists, clinic owners and front desk personnel we realized there was a need for many customizable pieces within the application.

One main customizable piece is the forms, where physios are able to quickly and easily create their own complete forms that they use today, or adjust existing forms and questions provided by the Touch app.



Patient Mobile App

As the Touch physio app was in development and QA, I had some extra time to explore what a future patient facing mobile app could look like. I researched competitive health apps in the space and found that lean, simple screens with less options was the right way to go. I sketched my ideas and then created a series of mobile designs in Adobe XD.


Since the brand was still young I decided to take it in a new direction and clean it up a bit. Using the lighter blue keeps it feeling light and fresh, plus I gave a softer feel to the UI components. The entire mobile app was created in a week using a rapid prototyping method.



Product Website

I was tasked with not only designing but also creating the content for the Touch product website. The website has many purposes, as the landing page to login to the software, and where to purchase a plan, learn about the company and how to partner with them.

Having multiple main user types is tricky but we made sure to keep the design consistent throughout the website. The two main users of the product are practitioners and clinic owners, so we gave them their own product tour pages with each of their specific features called out.